пятница, 2 сентября 2011 г.

Journalism articles example. Vol.2.

Extraordinary architecture of Norway

Scandinavia is a unique corner of the Earth where every person would like to go. The most catching of Nordic countries is Norway. It is a marvelous country, which attracts people with everything - beginning from the nature with picturesque fjords and ending with unusual underground stations that look like halls of international railway stations and airports.

The exhibition «Modern Norwegian architecture 2000-2005» was available for visitors in the Central Museum of Communications named after A.S. Popov and impressed people at first sight. It was surprising that the architecture of Norway was presented only with bright stands with photographs and comments, some of the most interesting models of buildings and videos.

It seems that going round the exhibition, reading stories and explanations to all exhibits, trying to find a free chair to watch a video is all that you can do there. But the very special atmosphere that was created by the decoration doesn't let the visitors to leave that way.

Once you see a picture of a building which is a bright example of a modern architecture of Norway you immediately want to see it live, bypass all corners of a house and stay there forever. It is likely that Norwegian architects are so successful in creating buildings which would look harmoniously on the Red Square despite its queerness because they follow principles. The basis of their conception is contrast and closeness, form and functionality. Norse believe that a new building can get along with a monument of the 19th century architecture perfectly. The fact is that architects work with ambient things and environment. They try their best in making their creation a part of the whole. “Contrast and closeness” mean that a new building will attract people's attention but at the same time will be a unified ensemble with the environment. It's all about playing with something old and new. Speaking about “Forms and functionality” Scandinavians architects showed a huge difference between Modernism and modern architecture. This is exactly the case when a term “modern architecture” isn't a wide notion of modernist architecture. In frames of Modernism a form is defined by a function, but according to modern Norway a form is defined by an emotion. And that explains the beauty of their buildings.

There is something remarkable about this exhibition. On the one hand all modern architecture which is presented there is the organic whole, phenomenon of time and ideology, and on the other hand each house is a personality. The exposition shows visitors various incarnated projects from a house in a park to the building of Parliament, which doesn't look likely to other European institutions of democracy. What a wonder that architects created even a church that thanks to its functionality, bright colours and plenty of a free space looks like a Swedish store IKEA. Schools and universities apparently seem to be a favorite topic of creation of the Norwegians. Looking through picture of school building that attract with its light, tranquility and positive vibrations it's easy to say that a progress and attendance of Norwegian students is higher than Russian students, for instance. You may also find projects ordinary urban houses and country villas that were created to be a place of a comfortable accommodation.

This exposition is just an easy way to get acquainted externally with the modern architecture of Norway. But to my mind it is hard to leave it being indifferent after seeing such almost genius and astonishing buildings.

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